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Interviews, media coverage, announcements and memories (1996-2025) in reverse chronological order

Profile of a Science Journalist: Wilson da Silva, Editor of COSMOS
A career profile of Wilson da Silva focusing on how he became a science journalist. Published by the Australian Science Media Centre.

The Difference Between Zero and Nothing
Wilson da Silva reports from the EuroScience Open Forum meeting in Barcelona.

Cosmic Connection
A profile in BOSS magazine of Kylie Ahern, CEO, and Wilson da Silva, editor-in-chief, of Luna Media, publisher of science magazine COSMOS.

Grow a Greener Business
A profile in the business magazine Nett where Luna Media's Wilson da Silva discusses the company’s steps to becoming carbon neutral.

Can Mag Body Get It Together?
A news report in B & T Weekly about Publishers Australia, the association of niche consumer and business magazines.

You May Now Float About the Cabin ...
A story in The Sunday Telegraph about the coming age of space tourism.

Where’s Our National Climate-Change Leader?
An essay in America's Grist Magazine about climate change politics which quotes Wilson da Silva extensively.

Luna Media Scoops 12 Bell Magazine Awards
A press release announcing that Cosmos Media has scooped 12 awards at the 2007 Bell Magazine Awards.

Why Less Costs More
A feature in The Sunday Age on why sustainable 'green' products cost so much more.

Sputnik and the Future of Space Exploration
Transcript of an opinion piece on ABC Radio National’s The Science Show about the 50th anniversary of Sputnik, the first satellite.

Jornalista Será Primeiro Brasileiro a Fazer Turismo Espacial
Brazilian-born Wilson da Silva is profiled in 'Fantastico' TV episode on space tourism (in Portuguese).

50 Years On, We’ve Boldly Come a Long Way
A news story in the Sun Herald marking the 50th anniversary of Sputnik which quotes Wilson da Silva.

Art + Science
UCLA Design Media Arts Blog commenting on the “two cultures” of art and science, quoting Wilson da Silva.

Coffee Table Greenies
A news story in The Sunday Age about the rise of 'green media', wherein G Magazine's Sara Phillips in interviewed.

Australia’s #1 Green Magazine to Go Monthly
A media release G: The Green Lifestyle Magazine boost its frequency to monthly from bi-monthly in response to reader and advertiser demand.

G Spots a Gap in Feelgood Market
A media industry news story in The Australian newspaper about G Magazine.

Fellowship Down Under Turns Researcher Into Writer
A news story in Chemical Engineering Progress about Boonsri Dickinson, whose internship at COSMOS got her started as a science writer.

Science Journalism Is Booming
A report in WFSJ News on the General Assembly of the World Federation of Science Journalists held in Melbourne.

Federation to Extend Science Journalist Mentoring
A report in SciDev.Net on the WFSJ's Peer-to-Peer Development and Support for Science Journalism.

A Farewell for Science Journalists
A news article in Nature about the 2007 World Conference of Science Journalists in Melbourne.

COSMOS Publishes Australia’s First Online Serialised Novel
A media release about "Post Mortal Syndrome", the first Australian novel to be serialised online.

TWO OF US: Dr Alan Finkel and Wilson da Silva
A profile of COSMOS founding editor Wilson da Silva and co-founder Dr Alan Finkel, published in Good Weekend magazine.

Tapping Into Green Mainstream
A profile of Alan Finkel published in The Sunday Age.

Win Proves Public Appetite for Science
A story in ScienceNetwork WA about COSMOS being named magazine of the year.
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